Adversity Identified • Hope Strategized
A comprehensive data collection process, using the guiding principles of generosity, inclusivity, engagement, and opportunity rising, generated findings that revealed the need to effect systemic-level changes in services and supports based on best practices that address multiple and chronic issues among those most affected by adversity.
Dr. Harney felt the need to establish a nonprofit (Duluth Center for Women and Children) that would engage with other nonprofits, and bring the University resources, knowledge and expertise by engaging faculty and students to interrupt the cycles of trauma and poverty. Since its inception, our nonprofit has partnered with several other nonprofits, businesses, the public sector office, and the University to develop programming in support of its mission.
What We Do
The Duluth Center for Women & Children supports community initiatives to ensure that children living in poverty have abundant opportunities to lead economically secure and productive lives, regardless of the circumstances in which they are born and raised.
The focus of the Duluth Center for Women & Children addresses the impact adversity has on children and families with attention to quality childcare & education, encouraging empowerment through building economic stability, and sustaining hope through supporting community safety.
Our Vision
Women gather with their children
laughing, creating, cooking, and learning.
Children thrive in the care of a loving community
where the margins move to the center.
Our Mission
A safe place where women and children thrive by co-creating equal access to possibilities, success, and safety using their own voices.